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designed depth中文是什么意思

用"designed depth"造句"designed depth"怎么读"designed depth" in a sentence


  • 设计深度


  • The design depth of the well is 3000 meter
  • Do you know the design depth of the well
  • The driving machine for band drains shall be positioned correctly and vertically to reach the design depth . measures shall be taken to avoid the retracting of drains
  • Prepared to meet the depth of the contents of the preliminary design review and approval , and in accordance with the " chemical factory preliminary design depth of the contents of the documents provided " main content requirements
  • The synthetic experimentation of testing and calculating design depth in conveyance canal combine the knowledge of irrigation and drainage engineering and hydraulics . during the experimentation , through experiment data testing , analysis , calculating and watching canal model , making students understand further the principle of design , which has mutual promoting effect on theory teaching in class
用"designed depth"造句  
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